Coffee Designs

Coffee Designs

Welcome, Welcome and congratulations. You have made it to my design service.

Coffee Designs is a design service featuring free stock templates for online journals. These designs are specifically designed for Diary-X, but can be edited to fit other journaling services.

The stock templates however, must be linked back to Coffee Designs. I am willing to customize and layout for you with extra links or different colors, basic things like that. Custom layouts can be requested for a small fee, or preferably, some item from the wish list. Custom layouts can be made for journals or personal websites.

You MUST read the Rules before taking any template and they MUST be followed. All I ask for anyone who takes a layout is that he/she signs the guestbook and does not tamper with the link back here in the template.

With that said, you are welcome to browse around and comment on anything you would like.