Below are my pre-fabricated templates. If you have not read the Rules please go back and do so. Instructions on how to take the templates will also be found in the Rules page. The templates are shown as thumbnails. The pre-fab templates are free for the taking and all that is asked of you is to sign the guestbook and read the rules. I also do cutom layouts. There will soon be a page with a portofolio of my custom work added. Depending on the complexity of the layout and the availability of time in my life, custom templates may be free or I may ask for something from my wish list in return.
Click on the thumbnail to see the design.
If you would like any of the above templates to be customized for you, simply ask on the guestbook, email, or AIM and I will most likely help you out there.
I am also available to help out anyone in need of HTML help.